Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hard to get out of bed today

My blankets just wouldn't let me go. I have pretty poor circulation in my hands and feet (I'm not sure if this is because I am tall or not) which means that I am generally cold all the time, and especially in winter. So I finally went and invested in a down comforter. I've only had it for 4 days, but I'm already sure that it is one of the best investments I've ever made! Cold air is powerless against its defenses. Ahhhh……


Ava said...

Down comforters are the best!

By the way, I read and article in Scientific American Mind that poor circulation in extremities can be attributed to a number of things. Including: lonliness!!!

Anonymous said...

I have horrible horrible circulation as well. I think being 6'3" (as you and I both are) makes it difficult for the blood to circulate :)

I usually sleep with a hot water bottle at my feet in the winter.